IDEARIA, The Gathering for an Alternative Solidarity Economy is an event which aims to push economic initiatives which promote social justice, the protection of human rights and sustainable development. IDEARIA offers a framework for training, debate and proposals which are focused around recovering ethical values for the economy, offering sustainable alternatives to social, economic, and ecological problem areas as well as those related to contemporary culture. The gathering takes place on a biennial basis and is a meeting point for strengthening links, discovering new viewpoints and facilitating coordination dynamics and synergies among different agents of the Solidarity Economy.
The gathering began in 1991 and was the fruit of different organisations’ efforts to put together strategies for exchanging knowledge and proposals which would aim to tackle the new socio-economic and environmental challenges of our time. IDEAS has taken on the task of organising the gathering. Since its inception, a multitude of people and organisations belonging to REAS (The Alternative Solidarity Economy Network)have taken part. This year, the 11th edition of the event is to be held as always in Cordoba, the city which has played host since the outset. The event receives the support of the City Council as well as other public and social bodies and institutions. This year the gathering is of particular importance because: • The cross-cutting topic this year will be centred on the SOCIAL MARKET, a joint alternative for selling products and services in accordance with the principles of the alternative solidarity economy and food sovereignty. • The new Andalusian territorial network for the alternative solidarity economy will be presented. • The gathering will be jointly organised by REAS and IDEAS, which will come together to form a mixed commission to work on the programme, logistics and organisation. • While in the midst of an economic crisis we should make a special effort to create visibility and awareness for the tools that the solidarity economy can offer in order to build sustainable alternatives. • We aim to use the occasion of the 11th Gathering to bring together a whole host of people who are active in the solidarity economy movement. We aim to draw the attention of our fellow citizens to our projects, helping them to gain a deeper insight into the contents of the Gathering while sharing experiences and celebrating in a festive atmosphere the fact that the solidarity economy is now a greater alternative for developing a fairer society which shows more solidarity and which is oriented towards sustainable development. • Spaces will be opened up for participants to look more in-depth at the topics at hand while getting to know one another. The overall aim is to foster greater intercooperation and to strengthen networks while ensuring that those present are properly cared for, which is why there will be a crêche for the families taking part. This year the gathering will be held from the 26th to the 28th April. We invite all organisations and individuals interested to find out how it is possible to live in a world which is fairer and more sustainable by visiting the 11th Gathering for an Alternative Solidarity Economy. This gathering is open to all fellow citizens. The programme will be published along with registration information over the next few months on this website. Welcome to IDEARIA!