By Georgia Bekridaki and Jason Nardi, Ripess Europe

In the last two months, Ripess Europe has focused more on our members news. In this newsletter some important developments in the social solidarity economy ecosystem in Europe will be shared, that despite the marketization of all spheres of economy and social life, it is still shining. The long-lasting duration of national and regional networks contribute in the deepening of SSE’s roots: while the SSE platforms influence public policies in favor of its actors, they create their own “institutions” that derive from the unique values and priorities they set. As such, the Spanish network REAS RdR presented the Social Audit/Balance 2023, with a wealth of indicators on the overall progress of SSE in the country and the measurement process of social and environmental value of the almost one thousand SSE ventures in the network.

In Germany our member TechNet has played an active role in public policies developments at the national level, while in Austria a very fruitful conference on SSE took place recently at the University of Graz: you can read about both in the newsletter.  Meanwhile, if it is true that non-monetary economy is hardly performed in the Global North, we decided to republish ILO’s interview on the complementary social currency of Geneva that supports the local economy and creates resilient job positions.

The recognition of SSE at the international level is always higher, as you may read in Jean Rossiaud’s article, summarizing the successful policy path of the last two years. But it is also at high risque, either of empty promises that are not substatiated by the governments (at all the different levels) or of a green and social washing, where the solidarity disappears and is absorbed by (social) business as usual.

Ripess Europe has formulated a policy document about the “Recommendation of the Council of the European Union of November 9th, 2023 on developing social economy framework conditions” and members of the Coordination have followed the Nyeleni process for international food sovereignty movement towards the Food sovereignty world forum in 2025.

As important as the activities, collective action, advocacy, and projects are, so are the public announcements and declarations on social issues. Social justice and human rights are violated everywhere and SSE networks, as part of an active civil society, have a say to promote the nonviolence and cooperation culture in all aspects of political and social life.  The year ends with wars and conflicts in many countries and especially in the Middle East, with a horrible death and destruction toll that is mortgaging the future of entire populations, while enriching arms manufacturers and sellers. What can we do to avoid being unwilling accomplices? What forms of cooperation with the victims of the violence and local nonviolent activists can we set forth?

Last but not least, while we are leaving yet another disappointing Climate COP behind, hijacked by lobbies of the fossil energy finance and industry, next year opens with several important convergences and appointments, in Europe (with the EU Parliamentary elections) and beyond.  As a solidarity social movement we should raise our voices and reclaim a better future for all – as the Manifesto “Time for Collective Action – Community-led initiatives and the European Green Deal”, which we are promoting with ECOLISE, sets out: let us not be caught unprepared and join forces to to listen carefully and to be heard by those who have lost hope. We need more radical imagination and action in order to continue to practice utopia.