General Assemblies old

RIPESS Europe helds regularly General Assemblies. They take place in diverse contexts, reflecting the diversity of origins of its network of members.

The Foundation Congress took Place Barcelona, on 6-7 September 2011. Here the European Platform of RIPESS was officially recognized and set up. A second major Assembly was held in Lille in 2013. It was an occasion to advance further in the internal organization of the network by setting up working groups on diverse thematic areas.
An intermediate Assembly took place in Villarceaux (Paris) on 7-8 June 2014. Some strategic points were discussed, such as the future extention of the network, the functioning of the main working groups as well as changes in the organization and management of the network.



12th General Assembly – Villarceaux (Paris)



11th General Assembly – Wroclaw (Pologne)



10th General Assembly – Villarceaux (Paris)



9th General Assembly – Online

12th General Assembly – Villarceaux, France 2023

The 12th Congress and General Assembly (GA) of RIPESS Europewas held from the 19th to 21th September 2023 at La Bergerie de Villarceaux (Paris, France). It was an opportunity to meet again and celebrate the 12th Anniversary of the network in a convivial atmosphere and...

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11th General Assembly – Wroclaw, Polland 2022

The 11th General Assembly took place from 17 till 20 September in Wroclaw and it was hosted by our member Fair Trade Polland. Ways of improving networking and collaborations, among members and partners, were discussed, and priorities were set for 2023. Emphasis was...

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10th General Assembly – Villarceaux(Paris), 2021

The 10th Congress and General Assembly (GA) of RIPESS Europe was held from the 7th to 10th of September 2021 at La Bergerie de Villarceaux. This GA was the opportunity to meet again and celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the network in a convivial atmosphere and to...

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9th General Assembly – Virtual, 2020

The 9th Ripess Europe General Assembly was held online, due to the Coronavirus, on September 18th, 2020. The members shared news about how the pandemic effected their countries. Some of the basic subjects that were discussed during this GA was the Strategic...

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8th General Assembly – Lyon, France, 2019

The 8th RIPESS Europe General Assembly took place in conjunction with a meeting on Cities and SSE (4 July) co-organised with the City of Lyon and RTES, followed by an evening of the Lyon Label “Ville équitable et durable” and the Dialogues en Humanité from the 4th to...

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7th General Assembly – Zagreb, Croatia 2018

7th General Assembly - Zagreb, Croatia 2019 The 7th General Assembly (GA) took place over 1 and a half days, in the premises of theTituša Brezovačkog one of the oldest schools in Zagreb, on Saturday 16 June 2018 and the morning of Sunday17 June 2018. This GA included...

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6th General Assembly – Athens, Greece 2017

The 6 th General Assembly (GA) of RIPESS Europe – European Solidairty Economy took place the 9th of June at Athens University (Agricole faculty, Athens Greece) within the 4th Europen Congress of Social Solidarity Economy, UNIVERSSE 2017. This GA was the opportunity to...

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5th General Assembly – Villarceaux(Paris), France 2016

The 5th GA was a statutory assembly, took place on June 16, 2016, at LA Bergerie and focused on the role and strategies of the European network 5 years from its foundation. The RIPESS Europe Coordination Committee action plan for the years 2016 to 2018  was discussed...

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4th General Assembly – Berlin, Germany, 2015

The 4th RIPESS Europe GA took place during Solikon 2015, the European Congress for Solidarity Economy on 10th-13th September 2015 in Berlin. The Assembly was an opportunity to jointly reflect on and discuss the strategies that members can develop together to help...

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1st General Assembly – Barcelona, Spain 2011

On 8, 9 and 10 September 2011, Barcelona hosted the Founding Congress of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy: RIPESS Europe. The Congress was organised and hosted by XES, the Solidarity Economy Network of Catalonia. The...

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2nd General Assembly – Lille, France 2013

The second General Congress of RIPESS Europe, after the foundation in Barcellona, took place, on 5th and 6th of July in Lille in 2013. The Assembly gathered representatives from organizations of the European social and solidarity economy as well as political...

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3rd General Assembly – Villarceaux, France, 2014

The 3rd General Assembly of RIPESS Europe was held in Villarceaux (Paris), on the 6-7 June 2014. The two days event was the occasion to discuss further on the role and strategies of the European network after the European Parliament elections. Advancement was made in...

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