Editorial by Josette Combes, Ripess Europe

The year 2022 is coming to an end, it has been full with worrying events, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, fires and floods related to climate deterioration, highlights on the SSE chapter, ” The future SSE of Europe” in Strasbourg, the ILO declaration in favour of SSE, the side event to the holding of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF22) at the UN to assess the role of SSE in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, not to mention COP 27 even if it did not yield more results than the previous one.

In this last issue of the year, we have chosen to offer a choice of articles published over the months, a kind of “best of”. The selection was difficult, many articles could claim to be on the podium, also you will find HERE the link to all past newsletters if you wish to review one or the other.

This “best of” as an invitation to recycling. In this period of consumerist mismanagement, we advocate more than ever the use of recycled objects. Socioeco.org has also collected numerous cooperative games, see also the proposals of the REAS for responsible purchasing.

This “best of” as a question too. How many of you read the newsletter? We sometimes wonder if it is really worth  the efforts we put into it. The next thematic one in February will take stock of our means of communication and we will keep you informed of how we compose this newsletter each month, as we will offer you an overview of the different resources that RIPESS Europe deploys to communicate with its members and beyond with the public interested in the future of the solidarity economy.

We have prepared a small survey to better understand the potential expectations that our readers may have, in order to best respond to them. Please take a few minutes to respond.

At the end of a busy year, we wish you and us a conforting break during the holidays, dedicated to our families, our friends, to anyone who belongs to our close entourage. A thought for Claude Alphandéry who celebrates his 100th birthday and continues to show great energy (see this video) and the text he published on the site of the Labo de l’ESS, as well as the call he launched in the newspaper l’ Obs (all in French). Let’s take care of each other, there is hardly a better way to navigate our old besieged planet.