4 a Care Work Environment


The main objective of the project has been (and is, as this project will live on in our entities) to question and rethink our working life to put care and feminism at the center of our activity.

4CWE arises from the need to acquire a real gender perspective to build a fair Social and Solidarity Economy because it is necessary that the policies we develop and the cultural frameworks in which we live, advocate the need to put life at the center, that is, to build a society that guarantees political and material rights for all people who inhabit this planet.

Duration of the project: April 15 2022 – November 15 2022


Our goals

Our goal is to promote at all times an intersectional and anti-racist transfeminist perspective. We are aware of the privileges we hold and how SSE also shows itself to be in a privileged position in the world. We commit ourselves to a continuous process of deconstruction and individual and collective revision of these privileges, and to point out the lack of diversity, in terms of class, race, sexual identity and orientation, age, religion, non-neurotypical bodies… etc, that today, crosses the world of SSE. We want to reflect, to build tools to take care of ourselves and above all to advocate for a more forceful positioning of the SSE in this sense.



The planned activities of the project:

  • A meeting of experts in Porto (Portugal) to establish the first collective reflections and a common roadmap
  • 2 webinars and 2 care assemblies (for women and non-binary identities)
  • A protocol against sexist aggressions
  • A gender balance tool
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