By the project partners 


This booklet is a presentation of our different findings and exchanges as a consortium. Each part can be read independently. The aim of this booklet is to share our experiences and methodologies widely.

You will find:

  • A manifesto that has been written by the partners to defend the values of culture, social solidarity econ- omy and territorial cooperation.
  • A presentation of social solidarity economy and cultural public policies in Europe and in the different countries of the partners.
  • A recipe book with different “recipes” for territorial cooperation elaborated by each partner to present different types of territorial cooperation and how they were put in place (tools, actors, partners, steps etc.). – A cartography of different initiatives of territorial cooperation crossed throughout the project.
  • A list of key skills for territorial cooperation worked throughout the project.
  • A presentation of the evaluation methodology and tools used during the project as well as examples of evaluation methodologies for territorial cooperation.
  • A presentation of the COOPTERR project and partners.

To learn more about the project, you can access its dedicated page on