From the intercontinental network of Social Solidarity Economy RIPESS we are looking for a project manager with the aim of coordinating the implementation of the World Social Forum of Transforming Economies 2020 within the Network. If you are interested and meet the requirements, you have until November 8th to submit your candidacy.
From RIPESS Europe and RIPESS Intercontinental (during the 2016 WSF in Montreal) the idea to organize a Thematic World Social Forum of “transformative economies” for 2020 in Barcelona ( was taken forward. This perspective opened up a two-year process in which the aim is to promote the acceleration of convergence dynamics between movements and networks offering alternatives and transformative solutions with a transformative vision (such as agroecological, feminist, commons, solidarity economy and cooperative (…) movements/ networks).
The first year of the process driven mostly by the SSE movement through RIPESS, RIPESS Europe and its Spanish (REAS) and Catalan (XES) members, has led to a preparatory meeting in April 2019 in Barcelona. In July 2019 a meeting of international networks/movements of transformative economies has allowed the creation of an extended coordination committee integrating more geographical and thematic diversity of networks/movements. In a context in which RIPESS represents one of the most committed networks within this diversity and its particular international composition, and besides the fact that many more activities and actions deriving from the planning, organization, realization, conclusion and follow-up of the WSF TE have emerged, there is a need for RIPESS to animate its own dynamics within its network, beyond the follow-up of the new coordination committee and the different commissions in collaboration with the other movements and networks involved.
In this situation, the RIPESS delegates in the process need a person in charge of coordinating the implementation of the forum process among the network, by promoting the transfer of information between the various decision-making and organisational bodies. This person will be responsible for ensuring that the inputs of RIPESS and its members actively contribute to the preparation of the 2020 meeting, in accordance with the RIPESS strategy in the WSF TE process.
Check the offer here (pdf).
The deadline for applications is November 8th, 2019. Send applications in Spanish and English with CV and motivation letter to