We share two articles describing the ferocity with which the mobilisations “The water convoy – Sainte-Soline–Orléans–Paris”,
in defence of water and land against mega-basins, have been met on

On March 2021, young rebels, inhabitants committed to the defense of their territories, and peasants published the “Appeal of the uprisings of the land”. It claimed the imperative need for three gestures. The first, “pull the emergency brake” and dismantle the toxic industries that destroy the earth. The earth both in its agricultural sense and in that which understands it as the home of life, its condition of possibility, like Gaia. The second, reappropriate said land to turn it into a common that makes possible the defense of the peasantry and its expansion. And the third, occupy the decision-making places in which in the next decade the fate of the land that the disappearance of farms will leave at the mercy of agribusiness and speculators will be decided.


Peasant unionists from the Confédération Paysanne, autonomous militants, combative naturalists, feminists, young people from the climate movement, defenders of the territory… All of them have been meeting month after month, witnessing an exponential increase in their power and support . If in the first actions of 2021 the uprisings attracted a few hundred people, in 2022 their number escalated until they were close to thousands, catapulting to the tens of thousands who took part in the battle of Sainte-Soline.


On March 25, 30,000 people gather in the French rural district of Sainte-Soline under the banner of the Soulèvements de la terre (uprisings or uprisings of the land, we would say in Spanish). Columns of protesters full of children, colorful totemic animals, fanfare, gas masks and shields collide head-on with a police line that defends with profusion of weapons…the void.

For more information Sobre el ataque a los ‘levantamientos de la tierra’ en Francia

Sobre el ataque a los ‘levantamientos de la tierra’ en Francia
Adrián Almazán Gómez

El Gobierno de Macron inicia una ofensiva legal contra el movimiento ciudadano que reúne ya a más de 100.000 per…


August 18 – 27 – The water convoy – Sainte-Soline–Orléans–Paris
Call for mega-tracto-bikes against mega-basins. For sharing water and land
The drought is here and will not take a vacation this summer. And yet the government claims to laminate Sainte-Soline and perhaps even start new basin projects in the fall in Deux-Sèvres, Charente and Vendée

And yet Macron calls for a “pause” in ecological measures and supports agro-industrial policies which drain the plains. It restarts the construction of snow basins, which empty the mountain sheets, and further increases the artificialization of soils which causes water to escape from the land…

While the movement against mega-basins and in defense of water continues to grow in strength, the French government tried to stifle it with a repression of astonishing brutality on March 25. The 5,000 grenades thrown in 2 hours at 30,000 demonstrators, to defend the interests of some of the most climate-damaging lobbies in the country, will remain engraved in the collective memory. They laid bare what Macron has to offer us in terms of ecology and sparked a surge of international solidarity.
