Solidarity Tourism

Solidarity Tourism aims to build other forms of mobility going beyond the mere fact of organizing a trip. It has to do also with the links that are created with the local community and the positive impacts for them and the environment. We aim to re-imagine mobility from a drain-braining escape to an experience of connection and exchange, promoting the value of solidarity as a driver of our actions and fostering the transition from individualism to cooperation.




Solidarity tourism : alternative youth mobility

Article by Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, RIPESS Europe As the last phase of the Erasmus + Solidarity Tourism project, we have published a guide for young people with several examples of Solidarity Tourism and with an explanation of what we mean by a sustainable tourism...

Fair and solidarity-based Tourism Festival

Written: In collaboration with ATES From May 26 to 29 The Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire (ATES) and its members meet to celebrate the reunion of all the fair travelers: guests, workshops, screenings, round tables, concert and dance, exhibitions...

Community-based tourism: Find other forms of accomodation

By Andrea Rodríguez Valdés, Ripess Europe When you travel, do you contribute to the well-being of local populations? Do you have a sustainable and fair attitude towards the country you are visiting? Do you respect its cultural integrity, its fauna and flora, its...

Solidarity Tourism for young people: The educational impact of travel

Article by Leidy FAJARDO, ATES GA On 29 October 2021 in Cremona, Italy Grandir Aventure GA, a specialist in solidarity tourism for young people, was able to share its experience and its educational approach to raise awareness among young people about the issues of...

Tourism, Environment and Youth

By Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe From October 27th to the 1st of November, a meeting took place in the city of Cremona, Italy, to complete one of the phases of the Erasmus + project "Solidarity Tourism and Youth Mobilization". The event was attended by the different...

Young people: building a new form of mobility and tourism

Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe Many cities have been transformed by high levels of tourism which, in recent years, have opened the door to the process known as gentrification. These changes in the basic (infra)structures of urban centers have been carried...


Tourism, Environment and Youth

Tourism, Environment and Youth

By Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe From October 27th to the 1st of November, a meeting took place in the city of Cremona, Italy, to complete one of the phases of the Erasmus + project "Solidarity Tourism and Youth Mobilization". The event was attended by the different...

Young people: building a new form of mobility and tourism

Young people: building a new form of mobility and tourism

Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe Many cities have been transformed by high levels of tourism which, in recent years, have opened the door to the process known as gentrification. These changes in the basic (infra)structures of urban centers have been carried...

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