Article by Maria Atienza de Andrés, Reas Red de Redes

From what we call economic activism, we want to make visible and promote our will to transform through economic practices that respond to our commitment to Equity, Decent Work, Ecological Sustainability, Cooperation, Fair Distribution of Wealth and Commitment to the Environment.

For this 8M we highlight the following proposals : read the article: Por un 8M que ponga todas las vidas en el centro

Furthermore, below we highlight several milestones that we have made during 2022 in REAS, Red de redes (all the documents are in Spanish)
  • Renewal of the Charter of Principles of the Solidarity Economy : In 2022 we approved our new Charter of Principles of the Solidarity Economy after a process of more than two years in which an in-depth review was made from a transformative perspective, in that sense, we wanted to dialogue with other movements such as the women’s movement or the ecologist to give a joint response to emergencies and ecosocial challenges that have become a priority for the very sustainability of life.
  • 8M: For a Solidarity and Feminist Economy that intercooperates : Elaboration of a manifesto on the occasion of March 8.
  • Analysis of the results of the Social Audit from a feminist approach: Publication of Report focused on indicators What measure the state of REAS Network of Networks organizations in terms of equity: level of wage gap, level of participation in decision-making, existence of co-responsibility measures, use of policies inclusive language, development of equality plans, among other aspects. (INFOGRAPHIC)
  • Elaboration and publication Guide of Good Practices of the organizations of REAS Network of Networks for a Solidarity and Feminist Economy: The document includes 25 good practices from 8 territories throughout the Spanish State, organized in 6 blocks or areas. This dossier aims to facilitate the transition towards a solidarity and feminist economy. In this sense, there is a double objective: on the one hand, that the different good practices provide added value to the whole of the SSE and REAS RdR, and on the other hand, to make visible the entities that carry out daily work to achieve organizations that put life at the center.
  • Preparation and publication of a Guide Good practices and successful actions of SSE initiatives in their contribution to the SDGs” which aims to make visible and promote the replicability of experiences based on community practices and rooted in the local that show the daily effort of companies and organizations of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Spanish State to achieve true sustainable development and a paradigm shift that puts the sustainability of life at the center. Specifically, more than 20 good practices that contribute to SDG 5 of “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” are visible on the specific page we have created for the dissemination of this guide.
  • PODCAST: “Feminism is here to stay”.
  • This year 2023 we have made a twitch that you can see here.