GSEF article


Social and economic empowerment and territorialization of sustainable public policies

Women’s growing contributions to households, goods and services production systems, and economies remain largely unrecognized, both in Africa and the rest of the world, despite these being significant: African women represent 61.9% of the economic activity rate, 70% of the agricultural workforce and provide 90% of all food on the continent (OECD). How can we showcase women’s social and economic empowerment in different countries? What structuring investments for the benefit of women and concrete long-term actions? What structural investments in support of women and concrete long-term actions should be implemented? What funding policies and support mechanisms could back women’s productivity? How can we strengthen women’s egalitarian participation, no longer simply an issue of justice or democracy, but a requirement for their social and economic emancipation in working to reduce inequalities and include women in public policies and programs.



A special event dedicated to Women

This Women’s Day based on the main theme “Social and economic empowerment and territorialization of sustainable public policies” will be a day of discussion to answer these different questions.

The day of May 3, 2023 will be dedicated to the question of the role and place of women in the promotion of a social and solidarity-based economic model. Six expert women named “Champions”, will speak at the Grand Théâtre de Dakar on six specific themes addressing various topics of the Social and Solidarity Economy.

About twenty young women leaders in the SSE sector identified in Africa, America and Europe will also put forward their experiences on women’s economic empowerment and make visible social initiatives.

Main Objectives

Ensure that women truly participate 

in the transformational process through intergenerational dialogue that highlights the opportunities offered by SSE

Create spaces 

for discussion, learning, capitalisation and mobilization of resources to implement transformational innovations in the SSE sector in support of women.

Encourage a new interpretation

of the challenges and strategies for the promotion of SSE through a section with female politicians, to make a powerful statement that will positively influence policies and programs.

Help a critical mass of people better understand 

the challenges of SSE and its importance to ensure food, economic and financial sovereignty in our countries and the central role of women in this process.

Answer the call for applications here.