From the 16th to the 18th of January, the Ripess Europe CoCo (Coordination committee) met in Elne, in the beautiful region of the French Eastern Pyrenees. Near the snow-capped mountains, the team (braving the train strikes) spent three days brainstorming about the overall strategy orientations for the network on the long-term and on Ripess Europe’s areas of focus in 2020.
In such a context of climate crisis, where social benchmarks are only hanging by a thread, the role of RIPESS Europe in promoting social solidarity economy at the European level is more important than ever. The strategic axes for 2020 have therefore been established following this observation.
As a first step, Ripess Europe aims at promoting territorial ecosystems and supporting the emergence of new networks.
In order to do so, it will be necessary to support the valorisation of local experiences, the networking at European level, the development of new networks and economic intercooperation.
In addition to this first strategic line, it goes without saying that the promotion of the social and solidarity economy through its development and recognition remains a priority for the year 2020. This objective can be implemented through various actions such as the co-construction of public policies, but also through advocacy and media communication.
The concretisation of these strategic directions will be achieved through different thematic initiatives such as education (Erasmus), impact assessment, the implementation of tools (mapping) or information on the initiatives and local events of the network members.
Alongside their work program, the Coco members did not miss the chance to discover and meet with local initiatives such as André and his team “perm-AMAP 66”, working in a permaculture garden and CSA in Elne and selling delicious veggies! Without forgetting the discovery of Terra del Avis, this eco-museum which should soon open its doors in Elne and whose mission will be to preserve, maintain and transmit the agricultural heritage of Roussillon and to promote a sustainable agriculture of proximity.