Independent media are close to the SSE, often by their status and especially by the values they defend. But how do they approach it? Here is a selection of independent media articles from the last three months. You can also find them on the map of Journalism of Solutions (the articles are located in the city where the experience is taking place or, in the case of a general article, in the city where the media is based).

As you will see, the articles are in their original language, due to the diversity of European countries. For Greek, for which the Efsyn journal is particularly present with sometimes several articles per week on SSE, an English summary is included. This will allow you to perceive which themes are covered by these media: sustainable development, refugees, self-management, cooperatives, organic agriculture, etc. Feel free to send us an article or a media site to improve the map and our knowledge of SSE. Write to Françoise Wautiez: fwautiez[at]

Cover picture from Reporterre L’eusko basque, première monnaie locale européenne


  • [Tribune] Monnaies locales : 10 leviers pour les développer à grande échelle, Samuel Sauvage, Tribune de Social Alter, 01/03/2019 [lire]
  • L’eusko basque, première monnaie locale européenne, Chloé Rébillard, Article de Reporterre, 27 mars 2019 [lire]
  • L’industrie sociale et solidaire : mais si, c’est possible ! (Vitamine T), Article de The Conversation, 17/04/2019 [lire]
  • Le travail collectif est un principe fondateur de l’économie solidaire Hafid Azzouzi, Article de El Watan, 8 mai 2019 [lire]
  • Changer l’entreprise avec l’économie sociale et solidaire, Jerôme Saddier, Tribune de Alternatives Economiques, 23/05/2019 [lire]


  • Using Employee Ownership to Build a More Equitable Future for Work Melissa Hoover, Article of Non Profit Quarterly, 2019 [lire]
  • Explosion of Interest in Worker Cooperatives Drives Economic Changes, Brian Van Slyke, Article of Truthout, 24/04/2019 [lire]
  • Unions and co-ops – a new way forward for workers?, Miles Hadfield, Article of, 29 April 2019 [lire]


  • Políticas para una economía más justa, democrática y sostenible Emma Gascó, Blog El Salto Diario, 9 de abril 2019 [lire]
  • Nace la Red de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria de Castilla-La Mancha, articulo de, 15/04/2019 [lire]
  • Este bloque de viviendas en Madrid demuestra que lo ecológico no es solo para ricos, Sara Acosta, articulo de, 14/04/2019 [lire]
  • Sobre la economía de la economía solidaria, Alfonso B. Bolado, articulo de, 26/04/2019 [lire]
  • Propiedad colectiva para evitar la especulación: así funcionan las cooperativas de vivienda en Uruguay, María García Arenales, articulo de, 19/04/2019 [lire]
  • Economía solidaria y cooperativas en Rojava, Artículo de Kaosenlared, 10 de mayo 2019 [lire]
  • Una cita mundial para fortalecer las economías transformadoras, Blog de El Salto, 29 de mayo 2019 [lire]


  • L’habitatge cooperatiu arriba a Nou Barris per trencar esquemes Xavi Fernández de Castro, Articulo de El Mon, 26/03/2019 [lire]
  • L’Economia Solidària, un repte per assolir als Instituts de Secundària
    Blog de Pam a Pam, 1/04/2019 [lire]
  • Erika Licón: “Els procesos d’aprenentatge de l’Economia Social i Solidària és donen en l’acció”, Jordi de Miguel, Articulo de El Critic, 13/05/2019 [lire]


  • Sem terra colhem 16 mil toneladas de arroz orgânico, Gilson Camargo, Articulo de Extra Classe, março 2019 [lire]


  • Συμμετοχικός σχεδιασμός (Participatory planning), Aphrodite Tziantzi, Article of EFSYN, 13/05/2019 [lire]
  • «Το κοινωνικό κράτος πρέπει να το διασφαλίζουν οι κυβερνήσεις» (« The welfare state must be guaranteed by governments »), Michael Angelos Konstantopoulos, Article of EFSYN, 08/04/2019 [lire]
  • Είναι χρήσιμο να είμαστε όλοι… Κ.ΑΛ.Ο.μαθημένοι! (It is helpful to be all … SSE), Ioanna Sotirchou, Article of EFSYN, 08/04/2019 [lire]
  • Η κοινωνική οικονομία πάνω από τις πολιτικές διαφωνίες (Social economy beypnd political disagreements), Michael Angelos Konstantopoulos, Article of EFSYN, 01/04/2019 [lire]
  • Ο κόσμος της αλληλεγγύης συναντήθηκε στη Γεωπονική (The world of solidarity meets agriculture), Aphrodite Tziantzin Article of EFSYN, 18/03/2019 [lire]
  • Οργάνωση «από τα κάτω» σε καιρό κρίσης (Organization « from the bottom » in a time of crisis), Ioanna Sotirchou, Article of EFSYN, 18/03/2019 [lire]
  • Το όραμα ενός αστέγου για ένα βιβλιοπωλείο και η αλληλεγγύη του κόσμου (The vision of a homeless for a bookstore and the solidarity of the world), Ioanna Sotirchou, Article of EFSYN, 04/03/2019 [lire]
  • Συμπόσιο για την Κοινωνία Πολιτών και την Κ.ΑΛ.Ο. (Symposium on Civil Society and SSE), Ioanna Sotirchou, Article of EFSYN, 04/03/2019 [lire]