Ripess Europe celebrated its 10th anniversary last week, between the 7th and the 10th of September, on the Villarceaux Eco-site (Paris) with more than 40 participants representing many European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Italy, France, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Spain, Germany, UK, Poland, Portugal) and even Morocco, with the participation of REMESS, the Moroccan Solidarity Economy network.

Celebrating our 10th anniversary means looking back (the construction of the network, the first meetings, its expansion throughout Europe) but it also means looking forward: the future that we wish to build, hand in hand, with the first members of the network, the new generations and our partners. Thanks to you, to your presence, participation, smiles, ideas and enthusiasm, we could not have dreamed of a more beautiful event!

This celebration was an opportunity to strengthen the ties with all the members of the network (and we needed it badly after these long months of confinement) and to welcome our three new members: VSOK, Austria, SolidNetwork, Ireland and Après-VD, Switzerland.

We would especially like to thank our partners involved – Ripess Intercontinental, WFTO, Ecolise, Remix the Commons, ATTAC, Remess, Social Economy Europe, Transiscope, UNIPSO – with whom we hope to see many new collaborations.