A new space “federating the actors of the Social Solidarity Economy” has been put online by the Secretariat of State to the Social Solidarity Economy in France: www.esspace.fr.
If this portal is made to help the community of stakeholders in the SSE to know each other, to have the ways to meet, to exchange and to help each other, it is also addressed to young people and the less young who wish to join and work in this sector of the economy to transform and improve the country and its territories.
The development of this Portal meets a desire of the French Secretary of State for social and solidarity economy to involve a maximum of stakeholders in its implementation with the aim of promoting the spirit of the SSE: “a human space of co-construction where wills, dynamics and synergies are put in value and sharing”.
A public consultation, during October 2015, has helped collect the opinion of Internet users on ergonomics and a first version of the platform (see synthèse de la consultation in FR).
]Extracted from the home page of the Esspace.fr portal]