Projects in Education & Research aim in affirming the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through curricula innovation in Vocational and Educational Training and by creating a community of actors that will transmit the knowledge, the know-how and the tools created.


Latest News on Education
Common Agriculture and Food Policy for Radical Ecological Change

Common Agriculture and Food Policy for Radical Ecological Change

Article of URGENCI URGENCI, the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)1 network and its national members from 12 European countries held an advocacy capacity building session in Brussels. This training session took place on the 14th, 15th, 16th of May. CSA advocates...

10th ILO SSE Academy, Torino, June 2019

10th ILO SSE Academy, Torino, June 2019

Social and Solidarity Economy . A Human-Centred Agenda for the Future of Work The ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation (2008) states that “productive, profitable and sustainable enterprises, together with a strong social economy and a viable...

Registration open for #Comun_ESS: communicating SSE

Registration open for #Comun_ESS: communicating SSE

The registration period for Comun_ESS, Meeting of Communication and Solidarity Economy, which will celebrate its third edition from 15 to 17 March in Barcelona, is now open. Organized by the Xarxa de Economia Solidària and the REAS Red de Redes, these dates will be...

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