Article from Sofia Pereira, APDES (Portugal)

The project aims to promote the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe, by training the trainers in that field. Specifically, the project proposes to develop contents and methodologies to strengthen the skills of trainers. Thus, this 8-day training allowed putting into practice a training in action programme co-designed with the participants over the last year. The training programme included several visits to local Social Solidarity Economy initiatives, guests, innovative methodologies and several formats for structuring the sessions, moving us towards the creation of a Training Community.

With the support of RIPESS Europe, in the past few months a pilot training in action for trainers was implemented with all the partners involved in the European “SSE VET 2” project, financed by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme: APDES (PT), CRIES (RO), TechNet (DE), MES (FR), Solidarius (IT) and DOCK (GR).


The training in action course aims to promote a process of learning trough experience, practice and involving the target group (VET trainers) in SSE local initiatives to have a better frame within the SSE local context.

We held 80 training days, reaching 61 participants in 10 European cities.

It was a truly inspiring and enriching experience and a fruitful activity!