On October 3, 2024, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe unanimously adopted Resolution 2577 on Guaranteeing the Right to Food. In November different actors came together during a webinar organised by among other FIAN Belgium and the European coordination of La Via Campesina, to discuss the resolution and to explore implications for the elaboration of progressive food policies in Europe. As to date, no member states of the 46 EU states has a legislative framework which recognises the right to healthy food and the resolution was expressed as being hoped to ‘energise the food movement.’ 

The global food sovereignty movement for its part then has continued its mobilising and organising towards the Third Nyéléni Global Forum, whilst inspireer.org came out with a new series “Déclics & des Claques – l’émission qui inspire de nouvelles vocations in which the first episode wanting to inspire other (livelyhood future) shows the story of an agroecology initiative on Lofoten. How then our cooking and heating can happen via direct solar power (no batteries) is shown here

These are just some of the resources recently put up on Socioeco.org showcasing the wealth of work currently undertaken to change on different levels our globally so interdependent food system, in order to work towards the potential for systemic change this has. Searching for instance via thematic keywords on Socioeco.org will lead the interested leader to yet other insights generated through the development of SSE solutions.