Every 8th of March (8M), Feminists around the world take the streets with demands and denunciations to build and claim a dignified life outside the patriarchal, capitalist and colonial system. From RIPESS Europe, we support the struggles of all women and all people around the world that promote a critical and linked to grassroots movements feminism, and that mobilize not only today but every day of the year around this idea.
In addition, we also support the struggle of all oppressed nations and identities that day by day suffer the violence of this system and, in general, we demand decolonial transfeminism, and above all, a Feminist Social and Solidarity Economy.
From RIPESS, we want to make a contribution to this day by collecting the voices of some of the women who are part of the network and who talk about how to promote a more Feminist SSE and what Feminism is for them. We invite you to listen to the podcast in which Ruby Van der Wekken, Rita Kandiko, Yoana Stoyanova and Ethel Côté participate. We also recommend the very interesting study by REAS Red de Redes, published on the occasion of the 8M, which focuses on feminist and solidarity-based inter-cooperation.
- Ruby Van der Wekken
- Rita Kandiko
- Yoana Stoyanova
- Ethel Côté
These women from RIPESS Europe and RIPESS Intercontinental, share with us their experiences and their vision of how SSE relates to gender theory. In fact, as Ethel mentions, the economy cannot be social and solidarity-based if it is not Feminist since it must deconstruct the concept of women’s work taking into account the still binary distinction between production and reproduction.
To achieve this, it is important to maintain confidence in yourself and in others to co-construct together feminist spaces, from sorority and humanism advocating an intergenerational friendship between all of us and a common dialogue. This is what Rita and Yoana explain in their audios. In conclusion, we pick up the words of Ruby who mentions the need to build our own production systems that can cover our basic needs so that we can really put nature and life in all the spheres of our societies.