Here are some new resources from
First of all, Jean-Louis Laville’s book: The Solidarity Economy has been published by the University of Minnesota Press
The Solidarity Economy establishes how the formation of economic solidarities reveals that the boundaries between politics and economics are porous and structured such that politics, ideally a pure expression of ethics and values, is instead integrated with economic concerns. Identifying the power of contemporary social and solidarity movements, Laville examines the history of postcapitalist practices in which democratic demands invade the heart of the economy.
The practices that can carry us toward a plural economy and a plural democracy already exist; the question is what kind of social change they can bring about.
- Ecolise Manifesto Time for Collective Action, 2023, [lire]
- Interview with Yvon Poirier, Special advisor on advocacy and governance at the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS)
Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators
2023 [lire] - Measuring What Matters Australia’s First Wellbeing Framework
Australian Government
2023 [lire] - Sketching a Sydney Doughnut
REGEN Sidney
2023 [lire] - The UN and the Radical Reform of the International System
Gustave Massiah
Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung
2023 [lire] -
The Shared Ingredients for a Wellbeing Economy A Discussion paper, dir. Liz Zeidler, 2023 [lire]
The Solidarity Economy: A Way Forward for Our De-Futured World, Julie Matthaei, Matthew Slaats, 2023 [lire]
Some videos:
- Wise Farmers: Richard Young (Kite’s Nest Farm)
2023 [lire] - The Power of Public Banking: You Can « Public Bank » On That
2023 [lire] - Local Food Can Save the World
Local Futures
2023 [lire]
From our partner:
- Let’s Go Bananas ! U.S. Imperialism Through the Lens of a Fruit
2023 [lire]