News from the Network

Funding Fairer Futures: calls for proposals open now
Funding Fairer Futures is an initiative dedicated to strengthening the climate movement and building capacities for an inclusive, just transformation, by ensuring that the needs and perspectives of diverse stakeholders, including often marginalised communities, are...

The board game of Transformative Economies
Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe The final week of November marked the International Seminar in Athens titled May the Change Be With You....

Εcovillage Gathering: urgently slowing down
Article by Monika Onyszkiewicz and Jason Nardi This past August, as in the previous two years,...

Demonstrations for a feminist, anti-racist, ecologist and anti-capitalist Europe
Article from El Salto Diario, by Aurora Báez Boza 1 October 2023 Saturday September 30 2023, thousands of people have demonstrated in the streets of Granada demanding an "anti-racist, anti-capitalist, environmentalist and feminist" Europe a few days after the arrival...

We produce together – Turkey
"We Produce Together" is a radio program (Açık Radyo's) about cooperatives and co-production experiences in Turkey and the world. It is prepared and...

Α convoy for the defense of the water and land
We share two articles describing the ferocity with which the mobilisations "The water convoy - Sainte-Soline--Orléans--Paris", in defence...