Proposal of contribution by Berenice Dondeyne, MES France/MES Occitanie
TITLE : Europe off citizenship and solidarity, proposals for new practices of citizenship and economic democracy
Based on the Manifesto for a Citizenship Promoting Economic Democracy launched by the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire France with the Sol Movement, the CNLRQ-Collectif National des Régies de Quartier, the CAC-Collectif des Associations Citoyennes, the UFISC-Union Fédérale d’Intervention des Structures Culturelles, OPALE-Culture, the Collectif Les Localos, the Unadel, the Union Nationale des Acteurs du Développement Local and the Collectif national pour la Parole de Chômeurs.
And which includes 6 pillars:
- Reclaiming the Economy through the exercise of Economic Democracy
- Promote SSE as a citizens’ movement, carrying a political project of individual and collective emancipation
- Renewing democracy as a condition of our political life
- Dare a solidarity and popular economy, bearer of social justice
- Recognize local citizen engagement in all territories
- Reactivating citizenship as a condition for transition and resilience
and following the declaration of commitment of the SSE for a Social and Solidarity Republic at the SSE Congress on 10 December 221 in PARIS from which we retain this
“The SSE is at the heart of the social contract and the republican ideal. With its associations, cooperatives, mutuals, foundations and companies, all committed to economic and social citizenship, it contributes every day to keeping its promise alive by giving substance to the sovereignty of citizens and their elected representatives and to the emancipation of the people. It ensures its share of production of goods and services, it contributes to solidarity, social and territorial cohesion, it innovates and experiments, it educates citizenship through commitment and irrigates the democratic spirit. In this respect, it constitutes an authentic “people’s economy”.
We propose a workshop to bring this reflection to a European level.
Part I:
How should the popular economy be recognized today?
Part II:
Young people are confronted with multiple global challenges assuming the debt of the
previous generations. How to support and consolidate youth’s aspirations in terms of justice
social and systemic transformation of the economy?
Part III:
Communities are committed in Europe to climate and the transformation of socio-economic systems. What support can Europe offer to these creative approaches?