Article by Ripess Europe
Habitat Participatif France is a movement of citizens, stakeholders and professionals involved in participatory housing who are committed to a different way of living. Habitat Participatif France is working to develop participatory housing, with the aim of increasing the number of projects and expanding the number of actors involved across the country.
In 2024, the figures for participatory housing are being impacted by the severe crisis affecting the construction and housing production sector. Nevertheless, public interest in ‘living differently’ and the development of other ways of living remains intact, and is even growing at a time when many citizens are committed to ecological, social and civic transitions.
More than ever, participative housing offers virtuous solutions for recreating links and living in a more supportive, ecological and participative way.
For more information here.
Furthermore, we publish the report completed on 9 January 2024 of ‘Participatory housing figures between 2021 and 2024’ presents national statistics on participatory housing, produced in July 2024 by Habitat Participatif France for the 7th Rencontres Nationales de l’Habitat Participatif.
The figures are published by the association every three years, at the Rencontres Nationales de l’Habitat Participatif. In 2024, the figures for participatory housing are being impacted by the severe crisis affecting the construction and housing production sector. Nevertheless, public interest in ‘living differently’ and the development of other ways of living remains intact, and is even growing at a time when many citizens are committed to ecological, social and civic transitions. More than ever, participative housing offers virtuous solutions for recreating links and living in a more supportive, ecological and participative way.
The report “Bilan & Chiffres L’Habitat Participatif Entre 2021 & 2024” by Habitat Participatif France provides an overview of participatory housing projects in France, highlighting key statistics and trends from 2021 to 2024.
- Total Projects: 1,172 participatory housing projects.
- 488 completed
- 214 under construction
- 251 in study phase
- 219 in reflection phase
- Growth Rate: 10-15% annual growth in projects from 2021 to 2024, down from 18% between 2019 and 2021 due to the construction sector crisis.
- Project Locations: 265 completed in rural areas, 223 in urban areas.
- Project Types: 60% are rehabilitation projects, 40% are new constructions.
Trends and Observations:
- Shift to Rural Areas: Increased number of projects in rural areas post-2020-2021.
- Rehabilitation Focus: More projects are focused on rehabilitating existing buildings, driven by ecological motivations.
- Functional Diversity: Many projects include economic, social, and cultural activities alongside housing.
- Legal Structures: Predominantly societies of self-promotion, cooperatives, and co-ownerships.
- Professional Support: 62% of projects receive professional guidance, either periodically or throughout the project.
The report underscores the resilience and adaptability of participatory housing projects in the face of economic challenges, highlighting their potential for fostering community, ecological sustainability, and innovative living solutions.
Full access to report here