MakeSense article, May 2021
Restitution of the survey conducted by makesense in 2021
The sustainable and inclusive city of tomorrow is co-constructed by local authorities, citizens, businesses and social entrepreneurs. The role of the public authorities is to facilitate exchanges between the various actors in the territory, to encourage the emergence of joint projects and to create the conditions for the sustainable development of the SSE, for which they will be the first guarantors.
In the context of this pandemic, makesense conducted a survey of 120 local authorities in France in order to better understand their vision of SSE (among local authorities), as well as the associated roadmap (among departments), particularly in terms of support for project leaders.
The SSE is a sector whose potential is significant but poorly valued and understood. The city would like to have a real SSE action plan, but the means put in place are not up to the expectations of local elected officials, nor to the challenge.
See the infographics and the rest of the article (in French) here.