RIPESS Europe develops different projects and activities around feminisms considering the gender perspective as something fundamental in the Social and Solidarity Economy. It defends an intersectional anti-racist perspective defending all identities and sexual orientations.




Sign the European Feminist petition “Feminist Asylum”

Sign the European Feminist petition “Feminist Asylum”

Article sent by Elisabeth Voß, Netz BB FOR AN EFFECTIVE RECOGNITION OF THE SPECIFIC GROUNDS FOR ASYLUM FOR WOMEN, GIRLS AND LGBTIQA+ PEOPLE Sexual and gender-based violence (including domestic violence, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, genital mutilation,...

Social Solidarity Economy shall be feminist or it won’t be

Social Solidarity Economy shall be feminist or it won’t be

Every 8th of March (8M), Feminists around the world take the streets with demands and denunciations to build and claim a dignified life outside the patriarchal, capitalist and colonial system. From RIPESS Europe, we support the struggles of all women and all people...

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