RIPESS Europe develops different projects and activities around feminisms considering the gender perspective as something fundamental in the Social and Solidarity Economy. It defends an intersectional anti-racist perspective defending all identities and sexual orientations.




“Eco-feminism: the egalitarian management of a world to be reborn”

“Eco-feminism: the egalitarian management of a world to be reborn”

Par Josette Combes L’écoféminisme est un mouvement qui trouve ses origines aux Etats Unis dans le foisonnement militant des années 70 avec l’une des plus spectaculaires actions écoféministes – la Women’s Pentagon Action – qui a eu lieu le 17 novembre 1980, à Arlington...

An Overview of AANES Women’s Institutions in Manbij (Syria)

An Overview of AANES Women’s Institutions in Manbij (Syria)

Article by Meghan Bodette in Medium on 16 August, 2020, published by The Solidarity Economy Association Exerpts of the article: While the applicability of the Kurdish movement’s feminist principles to non-Kurdish communities in Syria has been debated by analysts and...

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