Projects in Education & Research aim in affirming the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through curricula innovation in Vocational and Educational Training and by creating a community of actors that will transmit the knowledge, the know-how and the tools created.


Latest News on Education
Bergamo, a meeting of trainers, enriched by inspiring and joyful visits

Bergamo, a meeting of trainers, enriched by inspiring and joyful visits

By Josette Combes The members of the Erasmus SSE IVET 2 (1) programme met in Bergamo from 14 to 18 October for a joint working week on the construction of a training of trainers module. This module is intended to transmit the fundamentals of the Social and Solidarity...

What we learned from the 10th ILO SSE Academy

by Elena Tzamouranou, DOCK (Greece) Several members of Ripess Europe participated in the 10th edition of the ILO Academy on SSE that was held in Turin, Italy, from the 3rd to the 7th June 2019. We expanded our knowledge on frameworks and discussed SSE and the Future...

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