Projects in Education & Research aim in affirming the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through curricula innovation in Vocational and Educational Training and by creating a community of actors that will transmit the knowledge, the know-how and the tools created.
A guide to SSE entrepreneurship from a gender perspective
Article by Ripess Intercontinental, November 2019 Quartiers du Monde (QDM) publishes the guide “Accompanying social and solidarity entrepreneurship with a gender perspective”. The purpose of this document is to provide tools for alternative entrepreneurship for...
A RIPESS pilot SE Learning Tour and Cross-training in the US
An article by Ripess International, November 8, 2019 This week, from November 8th to 11th, the RIPESS Education working group will pilot the Solidarity Economy Learning Tour & Cross-training hosted by Cooperation Jackson (US) with the participation of both local...
Economic Policies for the Global transition
Call for applications Economic POlicies for the Global transition (EPOG+) is an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in economics, supported by the European Union. It offers a world-class integrated Master's programme on the (digital, socioeconomic, ecological)...