Projects in Education & Research aim in affirming the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through curricula innovation in Vocational and Educational Training and by creating a community of actors that will transmit the knowledge, the know-how and the tools created.


Latest News on Education
9th ILO SSE Academy in Luxemburg: the Future of Work

9th ILO SSE Academy in Luxemburg: the Future of Work

The 9th ILO SSE Academy took place in Luxembourg city in the last week of September 2017. Echoing the ILO ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization (2008), the 9th SSE Academy was centered on the future of work, exploring a diverse set of themes such...

SSEE IVET: vocational training and SSE – 1st report

SSEE IVET: vocational training and SSE – 1st report

RIPESS Europe is involved in a project called SSEE (September 2016 - August 2018, co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme) collecting information and data on SSE programs of initial and vocational training (IVET) in order to have a panorama of the existing situation in...

Marrakech: Euro-African Forum on SSE Training and Education

Marrakech: Euro-African Forum on SSE Training and Education

The International Forum “Engagement, Citizenship and Development: How to train in the Social and Solidarity Economy” was held in Marrakech from May 22 to 24, attracting 380 participants from 22 countries, 55 universities and 87 SSE organizations.  This three-day event...

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