Projects in Education & Research aim in affirming the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Europe through curricula innovation in Vocational and Educational Training and by creating a community of actors that will transmit the knowledge, the know-how and the tools created.
Rethinking Economics: changing how Economy is taught
Last August the Rethinking Economics International Summer Gathering took place, bringing together 75 students and academics from all over the world at La Bergerie de Villarceaux, in France. Representatives of progressive fundations such as the Charles Leopold Mayer...
Porto, July 13: a new paradigm in initial vocational training
APDES (member organization of RedPES, the Portuguese SSE network) and RIPESS Europe invite you on July 13 2018 in Porto (Portugal) to participate in the International Seminar on the Social Solidarity Economy in Europe: Affirming a New Paradigm through IVET Curricula...
Internship offer: Research and communication of SSE in Europe
RIPESS Europe offers an internship of 4 to 6 months on ‘research and communication of the solidarity economy in Europe’. Hosted by one of the network’s founding members (in Italy), the intern should be following a university course, speak fluently the two main...