Agenda GA 2019 – Lyon
Thursday 4th July
3:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Round table meeting on
“Cities and SSE: Practical policies to transform the economy”
Part One: Transforming Cities Through Policies
- Dounia Besson, RTES and Deputy Mayor of the City of Lyon
- Jeanine Verna, Director of AROBASE Centre
- Julie Maisonhaute, Fair Trade Cities Network / FT France
Animated by Jason Nardi, RIPESS Europe Coordinator
Part Two: Citizen Movements – Transformative Cities
- Melissa Koutouzis, TNI (Trans National Institute) – Prix des villestransformatrices et Atlas des utopies
- Geneviève Brichet, Mouvement Utopia and Collectif pour unetransition citoyenne : Pacte pour la transition
Animated by Josette Combes, MES
Part Three: Convergence between initiatives to transform the economy and liberate humanity
- Geneviève Ancel, coordonnatrice de Dialogues en Humanité
- Iris Avinoa, World Social Forum on Transformative Economy
- Elisabeth Voss, Netz – the diversity of SSE movements in Germany
- Jean Rossiaud, APRES-GE, from India to Geneva, the Jay Jagatinitiative in 2020
Animated by Drazen Simlesa, RIPESS Coordinator
Draft program here.
Location: Mairie de Lyon (1, Place de la Comédie, 69001 Lyon, France)
Friday 5th July
9:00 – 12:00: First part of the RIPESS Europe General Assembly
- Introduction: opening of the GAM 2019 (15m)
- The World Social Forum of Transformative Economies: where we are, the role of RIPESS, the participation of members, what we want to contribute (1h)
- Validation of the agenda and proposal of priority themes to be discussed (15m)
- Presentation of the new members (30m) and videoconference with Russia and England (15+15m)
- Projects, events and activities of members and in the territories: exchange of
- information on networks, partnerships and alliances (30m)
12:30 – 15:30: Lunch at “Les Halles de la Martinière” and visit of 3 SSEinitiatives in Lyon
- 12:30 pm: end of the RIPESS GA at the Borough Hall, walking distance (20 minutes)
- 12:50-13:30: lunch at the Halles de la Martinière, discussions with local stakeholders
- Walking tour – 5 minutes
- 13:35-14h: Visit of the social and solidarity grocery store “Passerelle d’eau de Robec”.
- Metro journey – 30 minutes
- 14:30 – 15:30 : Presentation of Locaux Motiv
- 15:30: Passage in front of the Mazagran shared garden + metro ride (30 minutes)
4:00 pm – 6:00 pm – Dialogues en Humanité (see the Agora in the program here)
Evening – Animations by the Dialogues
20:30: RIPESS Europe dinner at the Soline restaurant
Saturday 6th July
9: 30 am – 12:30 pm – Second part of the RIPESS Europe GA
- Activity report (30m)
- Financial report (15m)
- Discussion and voting (30m) Coffee break (15′)
- Amendment of Article XX of the Statutes of the Association and voting (15′)
- Presentation of candidature to the Coordination Committee and voting (30′)
- Working groups (1:30h)
13h00 – 14:30 – Lunch
14:30 – 17:30 – Third part of the RIPESS Europe GA
- Working groups – conclusions (30m)
- Reports of the working groups and proposals for the 2020 action plan (1h)
- Collective mapping of alliances and partnerships (30m)
- Towards a 2020-2030 strategy… (30m)
- Closing (30m)
Location: Mairie de Lyon (1, Place de la Comédie, 69001 Lyon, France)