RIPESS Europe is first of all a Network, linking together its members from all the different European (at large) territories where Solidarity Economy is practised and across different sectors and communities.
RIPESS EU – Solidarity Economy Europe is a Network of networks and initiatives for the promotion of Solidarity Economy in Europe. It includes 46 sectorial, national and inter-sectorial networks in 20 countries.
RIPESS brings thousands of concrete experiences that identify as solidarity economy together in Europe: self-managed productive cooperatives, solidarity markets, responsible consumption and food sovereignty, time banks, proximity services, environmental and ecological initiatives, financial alternatives (local currencies, ethical finance), structures for the promotion gender equity, innovative educational experiences, fair trade enterprises, local development associations and more.

A mapping of members for Ripess Europe
The interactive map of RIPESS Europe network members is online! Here you will find everything you want to know about RIPESS members, their geolocation, their field of activities and much more! To use it, it's very simple, just browse the map and click on the icon of...