We are collecting here messages, articles, stories and references of Solidarity economy initiatives in response to the Covid19 pandemic crisis and its consequences all over Europe, to share and exchange experiences and efforts from member networks and other organisations. If you wish to contribute, please write to : info@ripess.eu
The Monnaie Léman and APRES-GE team – Coronavirus: meeting immediate needs and building resilience together

“We are going through an unprecedented health (current) and economic (coming) crisis. The risks are great for all of us, and for our companies. But this crisis is also an opportunity not to be missed in order to advance and strengthen the sustainable, social and solidarity-based economy. Responding to this crisis with the classic measures of indiscriminate growth stimulus will neither enable us to reach the carbon target (-60% by 2030) nor to avoid increasing inequalities, and will certainly lead to greater corporate dependence on the financial system.”
Article by René Longet, “The little virus that changes the world.”

“For years, people have laughed at the weakness of States, the lack of responsiveness of public authorities, the passivity of many elected officials in the face of growing inequalities, very poorly regulated globalisation, ecological threats, and many other things. And rightly so.
A little virus is radically changing the perspective. In a few days, full powers to presidents, to rulers. A coronavirian emergency is declared. Borders close, a whole continent or almost a whole continent is placed under curfew, humans are isolated from each other, generations are isolated from each other, the population is confined to their homes, teleworking becomes the rule. No lobby of any kind has been consulted, not even as a matter of form, no passes have been granted. And this not for a fortnight, but maybe for a whole spring.”