By Ripess Europe

During the Conference “Social Economy, the Future of Europe” held on May 5-6, 2022, several members of Ripess Europe, coming from all over Europe, proposed thematic workshops. Here is a summary.

Open the RIPESSEU FLYER to see all our members’ worshops. 

Youth group activity – Participate in change: Expose and develop your ideas and make your voice heard!

Elaboration of an advocacy plan for the European youth:
1. Modernize the educational system so that everyone has access to a meaningful job and consider all jobs to be of equal value
2. Give access to decent housing for all and allow the emancipation of young people
3. Give back the power to act to citizens in the conception of public policies for an ecological and united transition
4. Protect the mental and physical health of everyone
5. Put in place regulatory frameworks that favor companies working for the ecological transition and that penalize companies that do not respect the environment
6. Create the conditions for local cooperation between all actors: local authorities, social economy structures, civil society
7. Assume an ambitious social and ecological taxonomy to promote access to financing for organizations in the ecological and solidarity transition

MES France and Ripess Europe activity – Citizens’ and Solidarity Europe proposals for new citizenship practices and economic democracy

Le Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire animated a Workshop: Citizenship and Solidarity Europe, proposals for new practices of citizenship and economic democracy on May 5th 2022 during the meeting “Social Economy, the future of Europe”. A rich participation in proposals and inspiring speakers. :

Jason Nardi from RIES Italy, RIPESS Europe
Martin Georges, ESS’plicite Aquitaine,
Patricia Andriot, vice-president, RTES France
Josette COMBES, co-president MES France
Isabel ALVAREZ, president of URGENCI, international Amap network
Ana Margarida ESTEVES, ISCT UIL University Institute of Lisbon, REDPES (Portugal)

  • Among the working proposals:
    The recognition of the SSE as a plural economy offering a diversity of economic models including the reciprocity economy.
  • The essential contribution of local territorial initiatives and European and national funding to promote the construction of a Europe of citizens and solidarity, committed to the ecological transition.
  • The importance of inscribing in the European regulatory texts an enlarged vision of a different cultural imaginary on the economy. Key words have appeared: participation, citizenship/economic democracy.
  • The co-construction of public policies, as a long process in connection with the citizens and in particular the co-construction of indicators of well-being and other indicators of wealth than the GDP.
  • An economy of cooperation, at a local and European level, for which citizens are educated from a young age.

Devisus Erasmus + project activity – Building exchanges between European partners : (re)discover the possibilities of the ERASMUS+ 2021-2027 program 

One of the purposes of the workshop was to present the DEVISUS project in the framework of a workshop organized by the French Erasmus+ agency “Building exchanges between European partners: (re)discovering the possibilities of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 program”.

The workshop was attended by a small number of people, about 20, including members of local authorities and Avise representatives. The workshop was a success and the presentation of the project aroused the interest of the public and really satisfied the representatives of the Erasmus Agency, organizer of the workshop. We scored points in terms of notoriety and will certainly be useful for the continuation of the project and the submission of other Erasmus + projects within the network.

Monnaie Sol activity – Financial and Social innovation within the SSE, focus on local currencies 

FAIR organized a focus on complementary local currencies during this Forum. This was an opportunity for the Sol Movement to present the social impact of local currencies through 5 transversal levers of transition: citizenship, solidarity, ecology, territorial dynamics and economy. In addition, the Sol Movement presented the PACE7, which is its program to accompany and accelerate the change of scale of local currencies through training, digital support, etc.This dynamic highlighted the need for MLCCs to undergo a legal evolution in order to be able to fully fulfill their role as a tool-space for the resilience of a local territory and a local economy.

Urgenci and RIPESS Europe activity – How to strengthen the commitment and cooperation of farm-to-fork and deck-to-dish actors for the cocreation of alternative and agro-ecological food systems in the EU

Link to the full report