The board game of Transformative Economies
Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe The final week of November marked the International Seminar in Athens...
Εcovillage Gathering: urgently slowing down
Article by Monika Onyszkiewicz and Jason Nardi This past August, as in the previous two years, RIPESS Europe...
Welcome to our YOU(TH) CARE FOR CHANGE project
Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Ripess Europe The YOU(th) CARE project funded under the DEAR Programme...
Hard times, soft skills
Article by Andrea Rodriguez, Project Manager Ripess Europe Skills for the World Based on Solidarity and Mutual Care...
Rethinking and regenerating our economies | RIPESS Europe’s 13th General Assembly
Article by Ruby van der Wekken, Ripess Co- coordinator and Jason Nardi, General Delegate Ripess Europe RIPESS Europe’s...
(M)ECSA 2024: a necessary space for convergence
Article compiled by Jason Nardi, Ripess Europe The European Common Space for Alternatives is a gathering that took...