You are the Solidarity Economy!

Let’s build together a united world.

Because we want a united future, we call for resistance and to the convergence for those who defend the fundamental rights, the economic democracy, the social justice and the ecological transition. Join us! Share your experiences and reflections.

The MES, a charter member of RIPESS EU has the pleasure to invite you to share reflections, analysis and actions during our National Solidarity Economy Movement congress, organized on June 12th and 13th 2015 in Toulouse, France and build together a more cohesive society!

Board of directors members: ADEPES (Agence pour le Développement et la Promotion de l’Économie Solidaire – Région Midi Pyrénées / Devlopment Agency for Solidarity Economy Promotion ),ALICECOOP, ARDES (Association Régionale pour le Développement de l’Économie Solidaire – Basse Normandie- Regional Agency for Solidarity Economy Devlopment), APEAS (Agence Provençale pour une Économie Alternative et Solidaire – Région PACA /Provencial Agency for Alternative and United Economy  ), APES (Acteurs pour une Économie Solidaire – Région Nord Pas de Calais / United Solidarity Actors), , CESIF (Collectif pour l’Économie Solidaire en Ile de France : Solidarity Economy Network Community), CRESOL (Centre Réseau Économie Solidaire – Région Centre/ Network Center fo Solidarity Economy),ADEL (Agence pour le Développement de l’Économie Locale / Devlopment Agency of Local Economy), MIRAMAP (Mouvement interrégional des Amaps / Interregional Movement for Amap), NOVETAT Institute, Route des Sels, UFISC (Union Fédérale d’Intervention des Structures Culturelles/ Federal Union Intervention for Cultural Structure ), CRIDA ( Centre de Recherche et d’information sur la Démocratie et l’autonomie / Information and Research Center about Democracy and autonomy).

While inequalities between individuals and between regions are growing, the vast and treacherous path of transformation towards a society more respectful of humans and the planet itself as an imperative

Since the 70s, the Solidarity Economy initiatives in response to citizens’ concern and current challenge of our society are growing every day. They work to reinforce the social connection and personal dignity, energy and ecological transition, democratic practices renewed, mobilizing citizen, revealing their creativity and their power to act, also contributing to the creation of wealth, jobs and socio-economic innovations. These new forms of solidarity and closeness to structure otherwise often exclusive activities and engaged in various shared governance for the common , volunteers, consumers, wage earners and public and private economic partners. These initiatives cover a variety of areas of activity: local services , short circuits, local and organic agriculture , local development, fair trade, solidarity finance , participation of all in culture, popular education , transportation, production of goods and services , employment and fight against exclusion . Beyond the lucrative businesses and results recorded in GDP, there is an economic biodiversity, the source of much richness. The daily support of solidarity initiatives demonstrate that alternatives are possible to meet the economic, social and climate threats that endanger the planet and living together. The MOVEMENT FOR SOLIDARITY ECONOMY grew out of a call launched in 1995 to demonstrate the strong momentum of economic solidarity initiatives, which in the 1970s criticized the economic development model and experimenting with new ways to do more collective, more emancipators, more democratic. On 18 June 1997, an «Appeal for opening a space for solidarity economy «is published by Le Monde. Through it, many networks of local actors, strong in their field practices, demanding a different approach to the economy; Since then they organize themselves and in 2002, local, regional or national networks, support agencies or accompanying, international solidarity NGOs, research centers together create the Movement for Solidarity Economy. Since the Movement contributes to the development and recognition of the solidarity economy, reflects the territorial and political dialogue with the various networks of actors and public institutions. It has contributed to the emergence of regional policies SSE , the co- pilot of the States General of the SSE and the development of the law of SSE.

Today, in 2015, the beginning of recognition conferred by the law should not obscure the reality facing the damage caused by neoliberal economics binding on all and at all costs, promoting a return to isolationism and extremism. In a context of growing inequality, territorial restructuring , public disengagement, European and international openness and profound changes in social practices, a new mobilization is necessary to affirm and demonstrate that a different economy , based on non -profit making , cooperation and democratic solidarity in the service of the general interest, can ,. This is why the MOVEMENT FOR SOLIDARITY ECONOMY says this is the CASE OF ALL AND ALL!

Many of you share this conviction and have the motivation of creating new alternatives on your territories, join us and let’s make the move together!

Congress location : Espace Vestrepain, 24, rue Vestrepain, 31100 Toulouse (Metro Station : MERMOZ), France

Contact :  Thierry Dubuisson – tél. : 05 61 73 04 86 ou,

Suscribe : [Click here] 

Event link : [click here]

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