This month, we would like to highlight the following documents:
The proceedings of the MES Seminar, which we told you about in the February 2020 Newsletter:
- Les Actes du séminaire COCONSTRUIRE L’ÉCONOMIE SOLIDAIRE 2020 [lire]
The Fair Trade Polska 2018 report
- Fair Trade Polska Report for 2018, the Foundation of the “Fair Trade Coalition” – Fairtrade Polska, September 2019 [lire]
The document of Pour la Solidarité – PLS – on the Green Deal presented by the European Commission, mentioned in Josette Combes’ article, “A Green Deal for Europe?” :
- Policy paper. Green deal et Économie Sociale : Enjeux et perspectives Théo BURATTI,, Tatyana WARNIER, 2020 [lire]
Ripess Europe is working this year with Ecolise on the Status report 2020. Here is the report for 2019
- Status report 2019 : Reshaping the future. How local communities are catalysing social, economic and ecological transformation in Europe 2019 [lire]
An interview about associationism and two books by Jean-Louis Laville
- Interview de JL Laville par Jean Bastien pour Nonfiction, 2020 [lire]
- Réinventer l’association. Contre la société du mépris. Jean-Louis Laville, 2019 [lire]
- Du social business à l’économie solidaire. Critique de l’innovation sociale. Maité Juan, Jean-Louis Laville, Joan Subirats Humet 2020 [lire]
Jean-Louis Laville also does a chronicle on solidarity economy in France Inter’s Carnets de Campagne programme.
- The audios (in French) are available on his website.
Two reports from the European Commission :
- Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe – Comparative synthesis report, Carlo Borzaga, Giulia Galera, Barbara Franchini, Stefania Chiomento, Rocío Nogales, Chiara Carini, European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation « EaSI » (2014-2020) [lire]
- Buying for social impact Good practice from around the EU, Luigi Martignetti, Valentina Caimi, Dorotea Daniele, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (European Commission), 2020 [lire]
The report sent by RIPESS Europe collaborator Isa Álvarez
- Dimensión social del municipalismo, AA.VV. , 2020 [lire]
A video on SSE in Barcelona
- Documentary « Solidarity Economy in Barcelona », Miguel Yasuyuki Hirota, 2020 [lire]
The resolution on Cooperatives adopted at the United Nations level
- 74/119 Cooperatives in Social Development, Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 18 December 2019 [lire]