Image of Reporterre, May 17 2021 ‘Des coopératives se regroupent pour une alternative aux géants du web’

Independent media are close to the SSE, often by their status and especially by the values they defend. But how do they approach it? Here is a selection of independent media articles from the last three months. You can also find them on the map of Journalism of Solutions (the articles are located in the city where the experience is taking place or, in the case of a general article, in the city where the media is based).

As you will see, the articles are in their original language, due to the diversity of European countries. This will allow you to perceive which themes are covered by these media: sustainable development, refugees, self-management, cooperatives, organic agriculture, etc. Feel free to send us an article or a media site to improve the map and our knowledge of SSE. Write to Françoise Wautiez: fwautiez[at]


  • Des coopératives se regroupent pour une alternative aux géants du web Article de Reporterre, 17 mai 2021  [lire]
  • Le Panier de la mer, la solidarité pour reprendre pied Article de Circul’lettre CRESS Bretagne, juin 2021  [lire]


  • El Balance Social para un consumo crítico, Blog de El Salto Diario, 28 de junio 2021  [lire]
  • Comunidades energéticas, la energía de las personas Blog de El Salto Diario, 4 de junio 2021  [lire]
  • Postcrecimiento: ni contigo, ni sin ti  Artículo de El Salto, 3/07.2021  [lire]


  • Organització popular i economia solidària perquè ningú quedi enrere Articulo de Opcions, 9/06/2021 ( Quadern 59 d’Opcions “Consum en temps de crisi) [lire]


  • Stir Magazine : Summer 2021, issue 34  [lire]