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On the occasion of the International Tourism Week for All, Sustainable and Solidarity (from 5 to 11 June 2023), an event organized annually by the International Organization for Social Tourism (ISTO), the Association for Fair and Solidarity Tourism (ATES) of France wishes to offer a space in which fair and community tourism actors from different countries can exchange with their peers and share their experiences, challenges and successes.
For the first time, on 5 and 9 June 2023, ATES will host two remote round tables open to all, which will allow Spanish- and French-speaking fair and community-based tourism agents to compare their perspectives. In addition, on June 6 and 7, ATES will organize two webinars, in Spanish and English, to help discover the principles and fundamentals of fair tourism, its applications and some inspiring practices to take action.
Round table in Spanish
How to create a national brand of fair and solidary tourism?
What are the challenges of marketing and commercialization of this type of tourism offer and how can they be overcome?
What can we learn from the initiatives of fair, community and solidarity tourism brands that are being carried out in Latin America?
06.06. 2023
Fair Tourism I Webinar in Spanish
Exploring new paths, a step towards fair tourism!
What is fair tourism?
What are its principles and how can they be put into practice?
What inspiring examples can be reproduced and under what conditions?
Webinaire of fair tourism I in English
Exploring new paths, a step towards fair tourism!
What is fair tourism?
What are its principles and how can they be put into practice?
What inspiring examples can be reproduced and under what conditions?
Round table in French
How to accompany and bring together non-professionals around fair tourism?
How are these people organized to cooperate, develop their skills and promote an attractive tourist offer?
What can we learn from initiatives to structure rural tourism networks around the world?