COOPTERR is a strategic partnership project for Adult Education under the framework of Erasmus+ aimed at training people in key common skills that are necessary for territorial cooperation.
COOPTERR brings together six European partners, involved in civic, cultural and social life: CRIES (Romania), Fekete Sereg (Hungary), Largo Residencias (Portugal), Solidarius Italia (Italy), RIPESS Europe (Luxembourg) and UFISC (France).
These non-profit organisations decided to share their experience, practice and knowledge in territorial cooperation. They wish to foster networking between actors involved in territorial cooperation and disseminate their practices and methods.
Duration of the project: September 2020 – April 2023
Aimed at people involved in the animation and transmission of methods of territorial cooperation, at actors that wish to implement or develop territorial cooperation, as well as public institutions, it will expand further afield to promote the culture of cooperation, through the dissemination of the project resources and results shared in open source.
Our goals
During the COOPTERR project, we wished to foster networking between actors involved in territorial cooperation and disseminate their practices and methods. In short, the project aims at developing training methods and resources in order to help professionals and volunteers to improve their territorial cooperation practices.
The main goals of the project were the acquisition and development of key skills for people, related to territorial cooperation. The project answered several different sub-objectives:
- Cultural, social and economic dimensions developed the skills of people to think about projects in a transversal way, as well as the skill to animate collectives including multiple stakeholders.
- The project was mainly aimed at people involved in the transmission of methods of animation of territorial cooperation. Designed as a co-constructed training of trainers, it was based on the participants’ knowledge. It expanded beyond this first group to spread the culture of cooperation to the diversity of stakeholders of the different experiences, by involving them in the exchanges and the development of tools.
This project allowed the collection of social innovations and new transmission methodologies.
- The experiences of cooperation highlighted the benefits of human rights, inclusion, equality and sustainable development goals.
- The context of cultural festivals and in particular the European cultural capitals raised awareness of cultural diversity in Europe as well as the valorisation of cultural resources of people and of European territories.
- The project focused on the common references and values as well as the understanding of the European context and its evolution.
The expected impacts were to strengthen people’s capacities and skills and to foster mutualisation, collective governance, shared places, collective and territorial cooperation… It enabled the partners to make recommendations in terms of adult education and public policies to social, cultural, private and public decision-makers.
During the project, the consortium planned different activities (see the detailed calendar in the appendix):
- 4 transnational meetings that were organised as coordination committees between the partners to co-construct tools and methodologies to be disseminated throughout and after the end of the project, as well as deal with administrative, financial and logistical aspects of the project. During transnational meetings, the partners worked on the different working groups defined by the consortium (communication,
pedagogical methodologies and evaluation). - 6 training sessions that were organised as visits
among partners to exchange information about on
practices, methods and tools as well as develop
specific skills. They were built as field training and
focused on peer-to-peer learning.
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