Transition Pathway proximity & social economy – Call for pledges


Following the publication of the Transition Pathway for the proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem on 14 November 2022, the Commission launches a Call for pledges to stakeholders. This initiative is part of the updated EU Industrial policy and the European Social Economy Action Plan. The purpose of the call is to collect pledges from stakeholders on the […]

CFF SESSION – Creating Regenerative Futures with your Local Council


Join our next Communities for Future Sessions, Tuesday, Feb 28th, 16h-18h CET. Showing successful stories of CLI's working with local councils Sharing tools & resources Linking to the policy thesis in the topic   Speakers: Two mayors/municipal servants: Paco García, Almocita Mayor, Andalucia, Spain João Dinis, Climate Action, Cascais, Portugal   2 CLI's: Cristiano Bottone, […]

Fair Trade International Symposium 2023 : registration open until April, 21 !

The Fair Trade International Symposium is the leading global gathering for scholars, practitioners and policymakers working on Fair Trade. The next Fair Trade International Symposium will be hosted from 19th to-21st June 2023 at the University of Leeds in the UK. Leeds is a vibrant city in the north of England that has great transport links to […]

3rd International Conference – Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons – Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons: Enacting the “Pluriverse”

Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal , Portugal

3rd International Conference  Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons  Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons:  Enacting the “Pluriverse”  Venue: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal Date: 8th-10th November 2023 (Presential) Organisers: Centre for International Studies (CEI-IUL) – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) (Portugal); Centre for Social Studies (CES) - University of Coimbra (Portugal); ITES/UFAL -Incubator of […]


School of Economics, University of Gothenburg

In connection with the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the most important European players in the field of social economy gather in Gothenburg,  at a conference highlighting the role of social economy in creating a stronger and more resilient Europe. The “Social Economy 2023 – Building a stronger and resilient Europe“’ […]

GSEF Women & SSE Pre-forum


Social and economic empowerment and territorialization of sustainable public policies A special event dedicated to Women This Women’s Day based on the main theme “Social and economic empowerment and territorialization of sustainable public policies” will be a day of discussion to answer these different questions. The day of May 3, 2023 will be dedicated to […]

VIII Congress of Feminist Economics


The VIII Congress of Feminist Economics will be held for the first time in Barcelona from March 16 to 18, 2023, after the editions of Bilbao 2005, Zaragoza 2007, Baeza 2009, Carmona 2013, Vic 2015, Valencia 2019, Bilbao 2021. Key dates 3 June Call for contributions Submission of proposals: academic articles, datathon, discussion workshops and […]