Milano, Italy

Nata nel 2004 da un progetto della casa editrice Terre di mezzo ha la finalità di far conoscere e diffondere sul territorio nazionale le “buone pratiche” di consumo e produzione e di valorizzare le specificità e le eccellenze, in rete e in sinergia con il tessuto istituzionale, associativo e imprenditoriale locale. Fa’ la cosa giusta! è… •  fiera di prodotti […]

International invitation to the monthly meeting of the Campaign for a Global SSE Curriculum


International invitation to the monthly meeting of the Campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social and Solidarity Economy March 29 in French, 4:France pm With the International Research Network on the Social Economy from the epistemology of the South. Institutional Network for the Strengthening of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the Metropolitan Autonomous […]

Call for papers: Fair Trade and Sustainable Development International Symposium


FTSD International Symposium 2023 The international symposium on Fair Trade & Sustainable Developmnt (FTSD) is a scientific event that regularly brings together researchers and practitioners who are interested and work on different aspects of fair trade and sustainable development. It provides a forum for exchanging practices, tools, models and experiences to advance research and open […]

Civil Society Organisations and democracy in Europe


The French Institute for Civil Society Organisations is honoured to welcome Oleksandra Matviichuk, President of the Center for Civil Liberties of Ukraine, Nobel Peace Prize 2022, as a keynote speaker for this webinar. In 2022, the French Institute for Civil Society Organisations launched, in partnership with the Maecenata Foundation, the Institute for Social Research, and the Mouvement […]

Insights into ECOLISE’s policy flagship project: Communities and the European Green Deal – and how you can contribute


ECOLISE's policy flagship project The 10 theses towards transformative community-led local development have been in a consultation phase since September 2022, with over 300 persons from almost 70 organizations contributing. We will continue to work on this policy flagship project in 2023 and will give an insight into our plans for this year- with the hope of […]

Voting Rights for ALL Residents/ VRAR


A new INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL AGENDA DAY will be held on April 26, 2023. On April 26, 1914, the women's movement in France organized a historic public event to demand Equal Rights in Politics. On April 26, 2023, a major breakthrough in the exercise of democracy will be celebrated with the 3rd International Day for the […]

Seminar Series | Housing Rights. Struggles and Strategic Litigations in Four Continents

Seminar Series | Housing Rights. Strategic Struggles and Disputes on Four Continents April - June 2023 Seminar Room 1, SPGI Department, via del Santo 28, Padua - Italy & online In the framework of the Master in Human Rights and Multi-Level Governance (HRG) of the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the […]

World Localization Day


A month of local celebrations all over the world, each year. World Localization Day, on June 21st, celebrates the worldwide localization movement–not only on the day itself, but during the entire month of June. In 2023, for the fourth year in a row, people all over the world will come together to explore the power […]

Deadline extended to June 15: 3rd International Conference Social and Solidarity Economy and the Commons Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons: Enacting the “Pluriverse”

Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) in Lisbon, Portugal

We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting proposals was extended to June 15 2023. The event's webpage (https://ssecommons.cei.iscte-iul.pt ) contains updated information on the keynote speakers, parallel cultural activities, etc.  Any questions regarding organisation of the conference or participation can be sent to  ssecommons.cei@iscte-iul.pt. On behalf of the organizing committee of #SSE&Commons2023, […]