Territorial Cooperation

Many people and structures cooperate at a territorial scale in urban and rural areas, through the mutualization of means, collective events, shared-places, collaborative cultural projects, or territorial  networks regrouping social & solidarity economy organizations. We experiment cooperative approaches for local development, that are creative, evolving, and innovative.


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Latest News on Territorial Cooperation

First training by Coopter Erasmus+ project

First training by Coopter Erasmus+ project

Article by Délie Ronsin-Quéchon, Ufisc, France During two days in April, the European Erasmus+ project 'COOPTERR' - Education in Territorial Cooperation Practices through Culture and SSE, hosted its first training activity, online. 25 to 30 participants from Hungary,...

COOPTERR: Education in Territorial Cooperation Practices

COOPTERR: Education in Territorial Cooperation Practices

By the COOPTER Communication group On the first week of December 2020, six countries representant participated in our 1st Transnational Online Meeting, for 3 days. The meeting was hosted by our coordinator organisation UFISC, from Paris (France). We are together with...

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