In recent decades, European policies have succeeded in increasing cohesion between EU countries, while internal asymmetries are becoming increasingly evident. Young people are at the heart of the process: their mobility choices generally give rise to a phenomenon known as “drain brain”, due to the attractiveness of urban/metropolitan areas compared to inner cities in terms of access to services, quality of life and job opportunities.
Our aim is to reimagine mobility so that it stops being a brain drain and becomes an experience of connection and exchange, promoting the value of solidarity, responsibility and sustainability as the driving force of our actions and encouraging the transition from individualism to cooperation. Thus, with this project we propose a form of tourism that is able to merge the experiential appeal of mobility with respect for all communities, so that no one is left behind.
Duration of the project: September 2020 – March 2022
- Promoting EU values, civic engagement and a sense of initiative
- Promote the 2030 Agenda
- Promote the active participation of young people
- Engage, connect and empower
- Promoting the creation of opportunities in low-density areas (Cohesion Policy)
- An international event held in Cremona (Italy) in autumn 2021
- A summary poster of practices and methodologies
- A Guide to Practices and Methodologies
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