In the context of the upcoming European elections, resources on remind us of the European Commission’s action plan on the social economy of 2021, of the recommendations of the Council of the European Union on developing social economy framework conditions, and, importantly, of our responses to them. 

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission adopted a new action plan on the social economy. In its December Newsletter, RIPESS responded followingly to the action plan, in an article by RIPESS general delegate Jason Nardi, Social Economy Action Plan: towards a real change in the EU policy?

This then was the RIPESS EUROPE contribution on the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union of November 9th, 2023 on developing social economy framework conditions. The policy brief brings two main points to the forefront : Member States must develop ambitious strategic and regulatory frameworks that take into account the diversity of social economy initiatives, and secondly, Member States must develop public policies for SSE actors based on sustainable, operational funding and in partnership, going beyond a profit and market access approach.

Interesting then also to read on developments in the lead up to the social economy action plan and framework conditions recommendations, in the 2019 International Centre of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC) working paper, Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union, by its authors Chaves and Monzón.  The objective of the study was to study the evolution of social economy in Europe, in terms of concepts and movements, the public policies adopted to enhance the social economy sector, and thirdly to measure the weight of the social economy in EU member countries. 

To find more information on this thematic, go to the keyword: Social economy in the European Union(UE) : A further exploring via relevant keywords on will give you more insights on the state of the art, and on what is necessary to strengthen our possibilities to further the building up of that other economy putting social and ecological values first as we head towards moments of choice and decision in the European parliament elections.