Independent media are close to the SSE, often by their status and especially by the values they defend. But how do they approach it? Here is a selection of independent media articles from the last three months. You can also find them on the map of Journalism of Solutions (the articles are located in the city where the experience is taking place or, in the case of a general article, in the city where the media is based).

As you will see, the articles are in their original language, due to the diversity of European countries. For Greek, for which the Efsyn journal is particularly present with sometimes several articles per week on SSE, an English summary is included. This will allow you to perceive which themes are covered by these media: sustainable development, refugees, self-management, cooperatives, organic agriculture, etc. Feel free to send us an article or a media site to improve the map and our knowledge of SSE. Write to Françoise Wautiez: fwautiez[at]

Image Cover of Stir Magazine, Winter 19


  • Les luttes non-violentes de Rajagopal, activiste indien bientôt à Paris Michel Bernard, Anne-Sophie Clémençon, Article de Reporterre, 22 nov 2018 [lire]
  • Étude de chaîne de valeur soja biologique au Togo, Pierre W. Johnson, Article de Transition et Coopération Pierre Johnson, 2018 [lire]
  • « Nous sommes une start-up anarcho-communiste » : Coopcycle auto-organise les coursiers à vélo, Benoît Borritz, Article de Basta!, 16 janvier 2019 [lire]
  • Ethique Les baskets Veja tiennent-elles leurs promesses ?, Justin Délépine, Article de Alternatives économiques, 29/01/2019, [lire]


  • Creating a Solidarity Economy Giving Project, Cheyenna Layne Weber, Article in Philantrhopy Women, 28 January 2019 [lire]
  • Beyond the Market: Housing Alternatives from the Grassroots, H. Jacob Carlson, Marnie Brady, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Article of Dissent Magazine, Fall 2018[lire]
  • Stir Magazine: winter edition 2019: Looking back, looking forwards [lire]


  • Mercados sociales, la unión hace la fuerza, Brenda Chávez, Artículo de El Salto,23/12/2018 [lire]
  • Más allá del mercado: alternativas de vivienda desde las bases, H. Jacob Carlson, Marnie Brady, Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Artículo de El Salto,18/12/2018[lire]


  • Mas Corcó: el pagès que fa de forner i el forner que fa de pagès, Articulo de Setembre, 05/01/2019 [Lire]


  • “Se trovare soluzioni all’interno del sistema è impossibile, forse è meglio cambiare il sistema”, Pietro Raitano, Articolo de Altreconomia, 1 gennaio 2019 [lire]


  • ΚΑΛΟ: επένδυση για δίκαιη ανάπτυξη (ESS: investir pour une croissance juste)
    Aristotélis Andréou
    Article of EFSYN, 15/12/2018 [lire]
  • Το εναλλακτικό μοντέλο των πέντε ηπείρων (The alternative model of the five continents)
    Lena Kyriakidi
    Article of EFSYN, 10/12/2018 [lire]
  • Το εργοστάσιο που παράγει… αλληλεγγύη (The factory that produces … solidarity)
    Kostís Roússos, Vangélis Vragotéris, Cháris Malamídis
    Article of EFSYN, 10/12/2018 [lire]
  • Στήριξη με τρία κλικ (in three clicks)
    Article of EFSYN, 08/12/2018  [lire]
  • Προστατεύοντας τους σπόρους ως κοινό αγαθό (Protecting seeds as a common good)
    Lena Kyriakidi
    Article of EFSYN, 26/11/2018  [lire]
  • Ανοιχτή μέρα περμακουλτούρας στο χωράφι της Νέας Γουινέας (Open day in the field at the New Guinea farm)
    Article of EFSYN, 21/11/2018 [lire]