Article by Reas, Red de Redes, Spain
Tuesday 29th of November at 10.00am CET
The Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy of Spain (REAS) and the Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP), lead beneficiaries of the projects “SDG#ESS Programme: Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy through the visibility of its contribution to Sustainable Development, the consolidation of support networks and the alliances and exchange of good practices with international networks” financed by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Economy and “MedTOWN: co-producing social services with the collaboration of SSE actors for combating poverty, inequality and social exclusion” financed by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014-2020 are organizing an online policy dialogue that will contribute to the exchange of best practices for the application and dissemination of the Social Solidarity Economy movement and its contribution to the achievement of the SDGs worldwide with a special focus on the Mediterranean Region.
The online event will start with a keynote speech by Samuel Barco, Diesis Network – Senior Research Expert of MedTOWN project, about the benefits of collaboration among the SSE actors and the public sector in the provision of social services and will be concluded with interventions from representatives of international organizations (UNTFSSE, OECD, GSEF, DG NEAR, SE Europe) that advocate on the promotion of the adoption of an Action Plan for the SSE.
If you want to participate in the dialogue please register here
Mrs Lina Galvez Munoz, European Parliament, Vice Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will talk about the opinion of the European Parliament about Social Economy Action Plan and the contribution of SSE to the provision of productive and sustainable goods and services
Mrs Virginie Cossoul, Project Officer at Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, DG NEAR will talk about the social economy programmes for the South Neighbourhood countries.
Mr. Vic van Vuuren, Chairman of UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) and Director Enterprises Department at the International Labour Organisation Office (ILO) will talk about the UNTFSSE Position Paper: Advancing the 2030 Agenda through the Social and Solidarity Economy and the conclusions of the ILO Report on Decent work and the SSE.
Mrs Antonella Noya, Head of the Social Economy & Innovation Unit, Center for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, OECD will talk about the expected impact of the OECD Recommendation on the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation in the Mediterranean and the importance of the coordination among international organizations.
Mrs Aude Saldana, Secretary General of the Global Social Economy Forum, Gsef will talk about the importance of networking in the exchange of best SSE practices in transitioning from Informal Economies to Collective and Sustainable Economies with reference to the The GSEF2023 in Dakar
Mr Victor Meseguer, Director of Social Economy Europe will facilitate the dialogue by making reference to the Social Economy Action Plan and its main challenges on both shores of the Mediterranean region.