By Françoise Wautiez, February 2020 is an online library dedicated to the social and solidarity economy and its associated concepts. It contains documents in 5 main languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Each page is autonomous, documents are not translated from one language to another, except where indicated. It also contains around 100 documents in Catalan, Greek and German.

To switch from one language to another, please go back to the home page and click on the language you are looking for at the top right.

The documents are of several types: publications, analyses, descriptions of initiatives, descriptions of public policies, educational tools, SSE training, student theses, legislation, videos… works in conjunction with 17 other databases, providing access to more than 33 000 references.

- a book ?
- a video ?
- a thesis ?
- read the interventions of a conference ?
- a training in SSE ?
- pedagogical tools ?
- which legislations in favour of ESS exist in the different countries ?
- who are the alternative medias ?
- who are the SSE networks in your region/country/in the world ?
- where are the research centers on SSE in your region/country/in the world ?
- which are the public policies in favour of SSE at the muniicipal/regional/national or international level ?

The mappings has developped several mappings :

Map of SSE solutions

What are the solutions implemented by social and solidariy economy in Europe and worldwide? The map of SSE Solutions allows you to select these initiatives by human needs or the SSE for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) map allows you to filter by SDG.

Map of SSE Public Policies

Which are the public policies for social and solidarity economy? For whom? By whom? At what territorial scale? Which are the pilot cities? What spaces of co-construction? The first map allows you to select these policies by human needs and the second by SDG.

Map of SSE Pedagogical tools

Map that gathers guides, manuals, videos, trainings on the social and solidarity economy (SSE) exist and are used around the world,

To develop, we need your collaboration. You can share documents, videos of webinars, reading lists for a class, pedagogical tools you have used, all the contributions that were presented in a conference, etc.The more contents, the more useful it will be.

To share documentation or ask for an information, please send a message to Françoise Wautiez :