NEWSLETTER - December 2021
Inter-connect SSE in Europe

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2022, Moving from obscurantism to wisdom
2022, Moving from obscurantism to wisdom
Editorial by Josette Combes, Ripess Europe - This is the last newsletter of the year 2021. First of all, let’s hope that 2022 will be a little more pleasant than the…
Ripess EU's 10 years: meet Laure Jongejans, Ripess Intercontinental

Last September, the whole network, including members and allies, met in Villarceaux (Paris) to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ripess Europe. We are going to publish a series of interviews, made on the spot, in order to introduce you to our guests. We start this publication with Laure Jongejans, Executive Secretary of Ripess Intercontinental. Enjoy your viewing!

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News from our members...
Launch of ACC'ESS, a student cooperative
Article by Martin Georges, Ess’plicite - We would like to inform you of the launch of ACC’ESS, the first student cooperative in New Aquitaine! Created in 2021, ACC’ESS is a Société…
For its 25th birthday, REAS launches its new website
The Red de Redes de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria (REAS) was created in 1995 to develop the Solidarity Economy in Spain. Its different lines of work are based on the…
A look back at the 6th "Collectivities & Local Currencies" meeting in Lyon
RTES article, France - On 10 November, the 6th “Collectivities & Local Currencies” meeting was held in Lyon, co-organised by the SOL Movement, the local currency La Gonette and the RTES,…
Manifesto for a citizenship in favour of economic democracy
Article of the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire (MES) - At the call of the Mouvement pour l’Economie Solidaire (MES), 10 national networks of solidarity economy and local development met to bring…
Shortening the Distance, Building the Food Community
By Mariusz Sibila, Eva Riecanska and Monika Onyszkiewicz for Urgenci - The story of the Bazar Ekologiczny Krótka Droga started to unfold in 2009 when a group…
Mental health and young people
Article by Andrea Rodroguez, RIPESS Europe - As of today, suicide is the second leading cause of mortality among young people in Europe and nine million adolescents aged 15-19 in Europe…
Collaborative projects
Solidarity Tourism for young people: The educational impact of travel
Article by Leidy FAJARDO, ATES - On 29 October 2021 in Cremona, Italy Grandir Aventure GA, a specialist in solidarity tourism for young people, was able to share its experience…
The network has a new project : welcome HATI-SOS !
By Dražen Šimleša, General Coordinator - RIPESS EU is active again with the promotion of SSE in Central and Eastern Europe region. The new Eramsus+ project HATI-SOS will continue…
Article by Sofia Pereira, APDES, Portugal - RIPESS EU is launching a new Erasmus+ project: SSE+(I)VET = COOP4FUTURE Since 2016, a process to promote SSE in the Vocational Educational Training (VET)…
"Let's embrace Riace and Mimmo Lucano"
Article by Elisabeth Voß, NETZ für Selbstverwaltung und Kooperation Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. - On the first weekend of November 2021, hundreds followed the “Call for Art” and demonstrated in Riace under the…
ENSIE #BuyResponsible Campaign
During 2021, ENSIE, the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises, started a new campaign, #BuyResponsible! It all started with an observation from ENSIE’s members: a lot of…
SSE Covid-19 initiatives: make your voice heard!
Ripess Europe, in collaboration with Ripess Intercontinental and all its members, is relaunching the survey on SSE initiatives since/during the pandemic. Some of you already answered the survey in 2020…
Everyday is 25 November: a statement against gender violence from SSE
With the aim of building networks and alliances to continue consolidating an autonomous, critical and grassroots feminism as a space of struggle in our neighborhoods and towns, this November 25th…
Talking about SSE
Social Economy Action Plan: towards a real change in the EU policy ?
By Jason Nardi, Ripess Europe - On 9 December 2021, the European Commission adopted a new action plan on the social economy, along with other very important measures that are intended…
Transformative Cities Award: apply now!
Fourth Edition (2021–2022) Transformative Cities is an opportunity for progressive local governments, municipalist coalitions, social movements and civil society organizations to popularize and share their experiences of building solutions to…

The social economy will meet on February 17 and 18 in Strasbourg to discover and take hold of the European Commission's action plan, as well as the multiple tools offered to entrepreneurs to undertake, develop, innovate and build the projects of tomorrow.


A day before the "Social Economy: The Future of Europe", join the RTES 20th birthday celebration, a round table with Jean-Louis Laville and Laurent Fraisse (Strasbourg, France) - 16 Feb 2022

Join the event

33rd International Congress of CIRIEC - Valencia (Spain) - June 13-15, 2022

"New global dynamics in the post-Covid era: challenges for the public, social and cooperative economy"

Join the event

SSE: actor of transitions ?

1st to 3rd June 2022 Bordeaux, France

The RIUESS meetings are a national event that takes place every year in a different university of the network. They last 3 days and are intended to welcome 300 - 800 participants from the world of research, education and SSE actors.

In 2022, Sciences Po Bordeaux has been chosen to host this federative event in connection with the creation of the new Chair Territories of the SSE of the IEP. The program is based on a call for papers open to researchers, SSE actors and local authorities.

To know more
Resources advice for books-giving!
December is a month of books-giving. You can take a quick look at the releases for 2021 here. Here are some examples: The Informal Economy Revisited: Examining the Past, Envisioning…
Tools for youth entrepreneurship
Article by Miquel Muñoz, Nexes - The Nexes Interculturals communication team is a member of XES. We have recently completed an international ERASMUS+ project called SSEds. It outlines strategies for developing…
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl 
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg 
Copyleft 2021 - RIPESS EU