NEWSLETTER - November 2022
Inter-connect SSE in Europe

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Special France and month of SSE
Special France and month of SSE
Edito by Josette Combes, Ripess Europe - First of all, let's celebrate that the worst did not happen in the Americas. Young people saved democracy by preventing Trump’s triumphalism and…
Special Issue on France
First National Meeting of Tiers Lieux, Metz, France
Article by Josette Combes, Ripess Europe - The first national meeting of “Tiers Lieux” (1) took place in Metz, within the Tiers Lieu Bliiida, on 17, 18 and 19 October 2022.…
MES France Action research: towards ecological and citizen transition
Article from MES France - Action research: Social and solidarity innovations at the service of territorial development towards ecological and citizen transition Since…
Social Solidarity Economy: La Poste and La Fabrique de l’emploi join forces
Article by Le Groupe La Poste - A partnership has recently been set up between La Poste, the French national postal service and La Fabrique de l’emploi, a cooperative (SCIC) based…
News from the network
Webinar: External Dimension of SSE Action Plan in the Mediterranean, Nov. 29, Sevilla
Article by Reas, Red de Redes, Spain – The Assembly of Cooperation for Peace (ACPP) and the Network of Networks of Alternative and Solidarity Economy of Spain (REAS)...
FIRENZE’22 : Build Solidarity-based Communities
Article from RIES, Italy - Solidarity Economy National Day On 11 November in Florence – during the 4-day event marking the 20th anniversary of the first European Social…
Feeding Ourselves – Connecting with URGENCI
Article by Kevin Flanagan, Solid Network, Ireland - This online workshop, hosted by Nathalie Markiefka and Judith Hitchmaan will provide space and opportunity for Irish...
Creating Convergence Spaces: Asian Solidarity Economy Forum 2022
Article from the New Economy Journal by Bronwen Morgan, Sian Townend  for RIPESS Intercontinental - Last month, five NENA members attended the Asian Solidarity…
Pon la vida en el centro. Manifesto for the Solidarity Economy
Article by REAS, network of networks, Spain - Put life at the center Manifesto for the Solidarity Economy We place the sustainability of life at the center of economic activity. The…
Advocating for Agroecology: Webinar Recap!
Article by Jocelyn Parot, Urgenci - On Thursday 13 October, the partners from the project “Caravan for Mediterranean Agroecology” hosted a webinar to discuss the value of advocating for agroecology in…
1st Austrian Social Economy Conference, Nov. 2022
Article from Markus Blümel (KSOE, Vienna) - First Austrian Social Economy Conference: Cooperating – democratizing – transforming, Nov. 24th, 2022, Graz, Austria Are you wondering…
Youth initiatives
Sosyal Ekonomi, a Turkish SSE platform
Article by Murat Soysaraç, Sosyal Ekonomi, Turkey - Sosyal Ekonomi (“Social Economy” in Turkish) is a non-profit communication platform containing theory, practice, and policy information about all topics related to social…
Young people voted massively. USA: Overwhelming victory of radicals and socialists
CEDETIM Bulletin, Athens - The international headlines about the outcome of the US midterm elections are not mistaken: Yes, the long-awaited Republican tsunami did not…
What’s in Your Share? Call for Participation on CSA Shares
Article by Urgenci - Background Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a partnership whereby the common goal of participating actors, members and producers is to embed the direct…
Cooperative projects
COOPTERR mobility project: a training in Timisoara
Let's talk about SSE
Maricá (Brazil): Social Currency Mumbuca
Article by Basilia Orozco, Diario El Analista, Argentina - At the XV National Congress of Regional Economic Analysts held on October 28, 2022 at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Adelton…
Save the date !
Le mois de l'ESS
Le mois de l'ESS - everywhere in France - is the opportunity to understand what it means on the ground - in the territories - and to see what it brings to our society in full transition.
Check all events
FRESS: Our member MES Occitanie organises the 22nd Regional SSE Forum in Toulouse (France) on 25 and 26 November. The Ripess Europe team will be there exploring the following thematic 'A Citizenship and solidarity Europe'.
Here is the program !
Let's make renewable and supportive energy communities in territories - November 16, November 30 and December 14 (Roma, Italy) - Free online training days, organized by the "coordinamento Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili e Solidali di Roma" of the Rome Social and Solidarity Economy Network in collaboration with Fairwatch and Ries.
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What's happening on this month?
After the mid-term elections in the United States, here are two interesting examples of resistance. Both are members of USSEN, the North America member of RIPESS Intercontinental : Implementing alternatives…
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RIPESS EUROPE - Solidarity Economy Europe asbl 
1, Rue de Moulin - Esch / Alzette, L-4251 Luxembourg 
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